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Privacy and Cookies Policy

Updated: July 15, 2023

At F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A., privacy and security are priorities and we are committed to transparency in the processing of our users'/customers' personal data. For this reason, this Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and transfer information from customers or other people who access or use our website.

By using our services, you understand that we will collect and use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Brazilian Constitution of 1988 (art. 5, LXXIX; and art. 22, XXX - included by EC 115/2022), the Data Protection rules (LGPD, Federal Law 13.709/2018), the consumer provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and the other applicable rules of the Brazilian legal system. Therefore, F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A, MADEIRAS, AGRICULTURA, INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO, hereinafter referred to simply as "F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A.", registered with the CNPJ/MF under No. 78.144.300/0015-37, in the role of Data Controller, undertakes to comply with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

  1. What data do we collect about you and for what purpose?
  2. How do we collect your data?
  3. What are your rights?
  4. How can you exercise your rights as a data subject?
  5. How and for how long will your data be stored?
  6. What do we do to keep your data safe?
  7. With whom can your data be shared?
  8. Cookies or browsing data
  9. Changes to this privacy policy
  10. Responsibility
  11. Data protection officer
  12. Forum


Our website collects and uses some of your personal data in order to provide services and improve the user experience.

1.1. Personal data provided by you

- Identification information: Full name, ID number, date of birth, nationality.

- Contact information: E-mail address, telephone number, postal address.

- Demographic data: Gender, age, personal preferences, preferred language.

- Login information: Username, password, security questions.

- Financial information: Payment details such as credit card number, bank account information.

- Geolocation information: IP address, approximate location.

- Interests and preferences: Information about your interests, preferred products or services.

- Interaction information: Browsing history, pages visited, clicks, interactions with site content.

- Website usage data: Analysis data, such as time spent on the site, pages viewed, actions taken.

- Information provided voluntarily: Comments, ratings, responses to surveys or questionnaires.

1.2. Personal data collected automatically

- Personally identifiable information: Full name, home address, ID number, etc.

- Contact information: E-mail address, telephone number, postal address.

- Demographic data: Age, gender, date of birth, nationality.

- Login information: Username, password, security questions.

- Payment information: Credit card number, bank account details, billing information.

- Geolocation information: IP address, approximate location.

- Website usage information: Browsing data, such as pages visited, clicks, language preferences, display preferences.

- Information provided voluntarily: Comments, ratings, surveys, personal preferences.

- Device information: Device type, operating system, browser information.

- Cookies and similar technologies: Data collected through cookies, pixel tags, web beacons or other tracking technologies.

2. How do we collect your data?

Your personal data is collected as follows:

- Account registration: When you create an account on the website, you may be asked for information such as your name, e-mail address, telephone number, among other identifying data.

- Contact forms: Personal data can be collected through contact forms, where the user provides information such as name, e-mail address, telephone number and message details.

- Newsletter subscription: The website offers a newsletter, users can provide their e-mail address to receive updates and communications from the website.

- Comments on blogs or forums: When interacting in comments sections of blogs, forums or other discussion platforms, users can provide personal information such as name, e-mail address and comments.

- Browsing data and cookies: The website may automatically collect browsing information, such as IP address, browser type, pages visited, time of visit and language preferences, through cookies and similar technologies. This information may be considered personal data if it is associated with an identifiable individual.

- Geolocation data: The website may request access to the location of the user's device in order to provide location-based services or personalize the user experience.

- Integration with social networks: The website allows integration with social networks, such as "like" or "share" buttons, the user's personal data may be collected through these platforms.

- Transactions and payment information: The website offers paid services or products, it may be necessary to collect payment information, such as credit card details or other financial information.

- Data analysis: The website may use data analysis tools to collect information on how users interact with the site in order to improve the user experience and optimize the content and performance of the website.

- Interaction with advertisements and partners: In the case of advertisements displayed on the website or partnerships with third parties, personal data may be collected by these third parties in accordance with their own privacy policies.

2.2. Consent

We process your personal data on the basis of your consent. Consent is the free, informed and unequivocal expression by which you authorize F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. to process your data.

Therefore, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed and stored with your prior express consent.  Your consent will be obtained specifically for each purpose described above, demonstrating F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A.'s commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/customers, in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.

By using F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A.'s services and providing your personal data, you are aware of and consent to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, as well as knowing your rights and how to exercise them. You may revoke your consent at any time and at no cost. It is important to note that revoking your consent to the processing of your data may result in the impossibility of the proper performance of any functionality of the website that depends on the operation. You will be informed of these consequences in advance.

3. What are your rights?

F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. guarantees its users/customers their rights as data subjects as provided for in article 18 of the General Data Protection Law. You can therefore, free of charge and at any time:

- Confirm the existence of data processing, in a simplified manner or in a clear and complete format.

- Access your data, requesting a legible copy in printed form or by secure and reliable electronic means.

- Correct your data by requesting that it be edited, corrected or updated.

- Limit your data when it is unnecessary, excessive or processed in violation of the law by anonymizing, blocking or deleting it.

- Request the portability of your data, through a registration data report that F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. processes about you.

- Delete your data processed with your consent, except in the cases provided for by law.

- Revoke your consent, deauthorizing the processing of your data.

Inform yourself about the possibility of not giving your consent and the consequences of not doing so.

4. How can you exercise your data subject rights?

To exercise your rights as a data subject, you should contact F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. using the following available means:

- By e-mail:

- Through the contact form on our website

- At the company's physical administrative address

In order to ensure that you are correctly identified as the owner of the personal data which is the subject of the request, we may ask you for documents or other evidence which can prove your identity. In this case, you will be informed in advance.

5. How and for how long will your data be stored?

Your personal data collected by F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. will be used and stored for as long as necessary for the provision of the service or for the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy to be achieved, taking into account the rights of the data subjects and controllers.

In general, your data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship between you and F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. continues. Once the period of storage of your personal data has ended, it will be deleted from our databases or anonymized, except in the cases legally provided for in Article 16 of the General Data Protection Law:

I – compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller;

II – study by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data;

III – transfer to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this Law are complied with; or

IV – exclusive use by the controller, with no access by third parties, and provided that the data is anonymized.

In other words, personal information about you that is essential for complying with legal, judicial and administrative orders and/or for exercising the right of defense in judicial and administrative proceedings will be kept, despite the deletion of other data.

The storage of data collected by F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. reflects our commitment to the security and privacy of your data. We employ technical protection measures and solutions to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and inviolability of your data. We also have security measures appropriate to the risks and control access to the information stored.

6. What do we do to keep your data safe?

To keep your personal information safe, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protecting your privacy.

We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the processing and the risks that any violation would generate for the rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following:

Only authorized persons have access to your personal data

Access to your personal data is only granted after you have committed to confidentiality

Your personal data is stored in a secure and suitable environment.

F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. undertakes to adopt the best measures to avoid security incidents. However, it should be noted that no website is entirely safe and risk-free. It is possible that, despite all our security protocols, problems may occur that are the sole fault of third parties, such as cyber attacks by hackers, or as a result of the negligence or recklessness of the user/customer themselves.

In the event of security incidents that may generate significant risk or damage to you or any of our users/customers, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of what has occurred, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Law.


With a view to preserving your privacy, F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. will not share your personal data with any unauthorized third party. 

Your data may be shared with our business partners. They only receive your data to the extent necessary to provide the services contracted and our contracts are guided by the data protection rules of the Brazilian legal system.

However, our partners have their own Privacy Policies, which may differ from this one.

In addition, there are other cases in which your data may be shared, which are:

I – Legal determination, request, requisition or court order, with competent judicial, administrative or governmental authorities.

II – In the event of corporate transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions and incorporations.

III – Protection of the rights of F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. in any type of conflict, including those of a judicial nature.

7.1. International data transfer

Some of the third parties with whom we share your data may be located or have facilities located in foreign countries. Under these conditions, in any case, your personal data will be subject to the General Data Protection Law and other Brazilian data protection legislation.

In this sense, F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. undertakes to always adopt efficient cyber security and data protection standards, in its best efforts to guarantee and comply with legislative requirements.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you agree to this sharing, which will take place in accordance with the purposes described herein.


F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. uses Cookies, which are text files sent by the platform to your computer and stored on it, containing information related to your browsing of the site. In short, cookies are used to improve the user experience.

By accessing our website and consenting to the use of Cookies, you signify that you are aware of and accept the use of a system for collecting browsing data with the use of Cookies on your device.

F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. uses the following cookies:

- Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential for the functioning of the website and allow the user to browse and use its features. They are usually set in response to user actions, such as filling in forms, authenticating or setting privacy preferences. These cookies do not require prior consent from the user.

- Performance Cookies: These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website, such as the most visited pages, the time spent on the site and any error messages. These cookies help to improve the performance and functionality of the website, but do not personally identify visitors. The user's consent may be required for the use of these cookies.

- Functionality Cookies: These cookies allow the website to remember the choices made by the user, such as preferred language, region or personalized settings. They can offer a more personalized experience and make browsing easier. The user's consent may be required for the use of these cookies.

- Advertising Cookies: These cookies are used to track the user's browsing habits and display targeted ads based on their interests. They may be placed by third-party advertising networks and require the user's prior consent.

- Social Media Cookies: These cookies allow integration with social networks and offer content sharing features. They can track user activity on social networks and can be set by external social network providers. User consent may be required for the use of these cookies.

You may, at any time and at no cost, change permissions, block or refuse Cookies. However, withdrawing consent for certain Cookies may prevent some features of the platform from working properly.

To manage your browser's cookies, simply do so directly in your browser settings, in the Cookies management area. You can access tutorials on the subject directly from the links below:


The current version of the Privacy Policy was formulated and last updated on: July 15, 2023. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, mainly in order to adapt it to any changes made to our website or in the legislative sphere. We recommend that you review it frequently.

Any changes will take effect as soon as they are published on our website and we will always notify you of any changes. By using our services and providing your personal data following such changes, you consent to them. 


F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. provides for the liability of the agents who act in the data processing processes, in accordance with articles 42 to 45 of the General Data Protection Law.

We undertake to keep this Privacy Policy up to date, observing its provisions and ensuring that it is complied with. In addition, we also undertake to seek technical and organizational conditions that are certainly capable of protecting the entire data processing process.

In the event that the National Data Protection Authority requires the adoption of measures in relation to the processing of data carried out by F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A., we undertake to follow them. 

10.1 Disclaimer

As mentioned in Topic 6, although we adopt high security standards in order to avoid incidents, no website is entirely risk-free. Accordingly, F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. accepts no liability for:

I – Any consequences arising from the negligence, imprudence or malpractice of users in relation to their individual data. We guarantee and are only responsible for the security of the data processing processes and the fulfillment of the purposes described herein. We emphasize that the responsibility for the confidentiality of access data lies with the user.

II – Malicious actions by third parties, such as hacker attacks, unless F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A.'s culpable or deliberate conduct is proven.

We would like to point out that in the event of security incidents that may cause significant risk or damage to you or any of our users/customers, we will notify those affected and the National Data Protection Authority of what has happened and will take the necessary steps.

III – Inaccuracy of the information entered by the user/customer in the records required to use the services of F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A.; any consequences arising from false information or information entered in bad faith are entirely the responsibility of the user/customer.


F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. provides the following means for you to contact us to exercise your rights as a data subject: via the contact e-mail address responsible, via the contact form on our website or via the physical administrative address of F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A..

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the personal data we process, you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer through the following channels:

12. Forum

For the resolution of disputes arising from this instrument, Brazilian law shall apply in full. Any disputes shall be submitted to the courts of the district in which the registered office of F.V. DE ARAUJO S.A. is located. Update: July 15, 2023.